Monday, February 12, 2007

Two New Videos

^ Graham Chapman - A Talent Sorely Missed

^ A Tribute To Michael Palin

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Michael

(Previously: Hoping the pic shows up as this is a sucky computer that knows no image :( )

Now according to SOME people, Eric Idle is teh God. But no. He is an angel, sure, but teh GOD is Mikey. I therefore present to you the Six Commandments of the Palin Worshipper:

1. Thou shalt worship the one true Palin (and the other five in lower measures).

2. The original Lumberjack will always be the best.

3. Thou shalt follow John's example, and seek out Palin wherever you may go .

4. Thou shalt worship all of a feline nature (because of this picture).

5. Thou shalt seek out the travel-logue locations and stamp them 'GOD WAS ERE'.

6. Thou shalt perform the fish-slapping dance in celebration at special events.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ten Reasons Why I Love ... Graham Chapman

  1. For a gay man, he was always insistent on playing it straight. He didn't believe in camping it up for the sake of it and was firm in his belief that you don't have to change your personality based on your sexual orientation. I love this ideology - it's freedom of speech at its best.
  2. He was a fabulous writer. Chapman co-penned the parrot sketch, the single most famous Python sketch of them all, and worked with John Cleese on many of my favourite sketches. The wordplay of Mrs. Premise and Mrs. Conclusion (and Mrs. Thing and Mrs. Entity of course) is spell-binding and will always keep me entertained.
  3. He took leading roles in his stride. Whilst the other Pythons danced around him in various costumes and voices, King Arthur and Brian remained true to character. As the lead Chapman formed a constant that kept the film from flying off the handle, and Holy Grail and Life Of Brian would never have succeeded without him.
  4. Which brings me to his stunning acting talents. Most comedic actors find it difficult to bring drama and genuine emotion into comedy roles but Chapman always delivered. Not one of his Python characters was one-dimensional or unfeeling, you could always tell there was a reason for the madness, even if it was never explained.
  5. The straight-face/authoritarian figures. This one is simple. No other Python could have kept control like Graham Chapman and none were quite as convincing as the man in charge.
  6. The voice talent. Posh or common, old woman or abusive lunatic, it's always spot-on. One sketch where this talent is most prominent is Flying Lessons ('Oh! An hoop!' 'I'm off to play the gra-nd pi-a-no!')
  7. The chameleon face. Change his hair colour, facial hair, costume and he's a different man. Sometimes it's hard to believe that's the same actor playing all these diverse roles.
  8. He chose comedy over medicine. Graham Chapman was originally a medical student who eventually had to choose between medicine and comedic acting. He chose comedy over a steady, high-paid profession, and for this I will always adore him.
  9. He's gorgeous. I had to get this in somewhere, because those bright blue eyes and his oh-so-lovely face need to be recognized. He was definitely one of the prettiest Pythons by far.
  10. The one-man wrestling and other such active scenes. There are very few actors who have the stamina to pull off such vigorous roles... or the flexibility for that matter! Chapman's clearly part elastic-band in the Flying Circus years, and he always seems to be the one doing all the running around.

Peace and Love Graham - the world was robbed of you WAY too soon.



Sunday, November 05, 2006

And now for something completely different...

A blog completely devoted to Monty Python!!!

Yes that's right folks, this blog is now the official home of... well... me. And my Python related ramblings. I can no longer keep in all my ridiculous PythonMania - so here it will be. Essays, piccies, ramblings, videos, random petting of Eric Idle's pretty hair. :D

Welcome to Penguin Go BOOM!